Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is This The New Face Of America?

There is a movement across our land that involves many facets that will change the face of America forever. Is it too late at this point? I pray not. But it will take a people willing to stand for a constitution that our forefathers never wanted changed. But there are those who wish to change the rights and laws of our citizens.
One of these facet excusa is a transnational progressive who promote the authority of international institutions over the sovereignty of individual nation-states. Their goals are of an identity group rather than the individual.
**Progressives think people are last in line when it comes to animals and earth. Does that mean animals are going to have more rights than humans? Cass Sunstein, Obama’s regulatory czar said,” Animals should be permitted to bring a suit, with human beings as their representatives, to prevent violations of current law...”
Unborn human babies have less rights than animals in my opinion. Cass also wants to use the endangered species act to put cattlemen out of business. Then the price of steak and cheese burgers will go sky high in prices for sure. I want you to note that Obama was reported saying that,"Cass is not only a valued advisor, he is a dear friend" Is this the new face of America?
*Transnationalists aim in particular to use American courts to import international law to override the policies adopted through the processes of representative government. . . . What transnationalism is all about depriving American citizens of their powers of representative government by selectively imposing on them the favored policies of Europe’s leftist elites.
*We have a mixed economy that incorporates a mixture of private and government ownership or control, or a mixture of capitalism and socialism. Those who believe in a mixed economy are called social democrats. They support ideals like compromises between socialism and free-market capitalism.
**Another Czar that could be dangerous is Science Czar John Holdren. He is the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology. He reports only to President Obama. He deals with issues that are increasingly relevant to other issues such as homeland security, energy and environmentalism.
** Your saying and... Well there’s more. Holdren co-authored a book in 1977 titled Ecoscience. In it he explains his view on Population, Resources, and Environment. The book reportedly includes this statement: "population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion. How it could be sustained under the existing Constitution." Holdren's office says he "does not now and never has been an advocate of compulsory abortions or other repressive measures to limit fertility."
In the book “Ecoscience” on population control he wrote,” A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation to implement then trying to sterilize men.”
**Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control law, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion could be sustained under the existing constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently sever to endanger the society.” Remember that Holdren reports only to President Obama. Are you seeing the picture?
I want to tell you first of all that I don’t see a persons color. When it comes to that I am colorblind. I look at what that person stands for and their character. So my criticism of the President is from what he is doing and what he stands for.
I might add that I am proud that a black man got in office. It was time. I just wish it could have been a person who respected our way of life and our constitution.
Our rights have been given away to the World Court through Transnationalism progressivism. They endorse a concept of postnational global citizenship and promotes the authority of international institutions over the sovereignty of individual nation-states.
Transnationalists aim in particular to use American courts to import international law to override the policies adopted through the processes of representative government . . . What transnationalism is all about is depriving American citizens of their powers of representative government by selectively imposing on them the favored policies of Europe’s leftist elites.
Our Constitution is under attack. The rest of the World can make decisions for America. Our Constitution is secondary to international laws. The will of even our enemies could be imposed on us,” says Frank Gaffney former assistant secretary of Defense.
In other words transnationalists support blending International and Domestic law. Thus, we lose all our rights as a country to govern herself.
Harold Koh was nominated for top legal position at the State Department and he has criticized the U.S. for failure to “Obey Global Norms.” Koh advocates transnational legal process.” Critics argue Koh’s views are a threat to American Democracy.
Even Spain planned to prosecute Bush Officials for torture that happen during the Bush administration but changed their mind after certain media pressures. Fox news reported that even France and Germany now have the right to tell us what to do with our economy. My question is where will it end? I fear not until all hope is gone for us as a sovereign nation.
As we speak transnationalism and International gun laws will be the death of the Constitution of the second amendment says News Week. reported about Obama’s speech in Berlin– July 24, 2008 may shine a light on the direction that we are being taken.
He said,” I am a fellow citizen of the world. In this new world we will have a global citizenship. We will join in a new global partnership. We must come together to save the planet. We need a globalized world. People of the world this is our time. We must answer our destiny and the world once again.” There is no doubt where he is leading and has already brought us there.
We are being set up for Transnationalism under the European Union. Note: I have been warning you for years that America will have to fall in order for the One World Order/ EU to be the world power. Well, we are standing in that hour now. These things must be for the prophesies to be fulfilled. We are going to be swallowed up by the world system and Obama is the tool.
We are going to loose our place and will be lost in Global opinion. We will loose the constitution when we are not looking. We will go to an international forum and our fate will be determined there while most Americans refuse to see the writing on the wall.
Ask yourself... Is this the new face of America?

Research from * Wikipedia **Glen Beck