Thursday, December 17, 2009

Secret Obama deal for Palestinian state? Israeli officials fear White House's 'very dangerous move'

WorldNetDaily Aaron Klein
TEL AVIV – The U.S. is considering adopting a unilateral Palestinian declaration of independence in the West Bank and Jerusalem regardless of negotiations with the Jewish state, according to Israeli sources speaking to Israel's Haaretz newspaper.

WND reported that the White House had accepted the positions of Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, who had quietly called for a state on the pre-1967 borders within two years. Now Haaretz is quoting reports indicating that Fayyad has reached a secret understanding with the Obama administration over U.S. recognition of an independent Palestinian state. quoted Israeli sources stating Fayyad's plan specifies that at the end of a designated period for bolstering national institutions, the PA, in conjunction with the Arab League, would file a "claim of sovereignty" to the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly over the 1967 borders.

Israeli officials further told Haaretz that Fayyad had boasted of positive meetings about his plan with prominent EU member states, including the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Sweden.

Fayyad also told Israeli officials the Obama administration did not oppose his plan.
A senior Israeli foreign-policy official told Haaretz, "It's a very dangerous move."

Israeli sources further said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed Fayyad's proposal in previous meetings with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama's Mideast envoy George Mitchell.

A PA official also said Obama had accepted the PA position that Israeli-Palestinian negotiations begin where they left off under Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who went further than previous Israeli leaders in his concessions to the Palestinians.

Olmert reportedly offered the PA not only 95 percent of the West Bank and peripheral eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods but also other territories never before offered by any Israeli leader, including parts of the Israeli Negev desert bordering Gaza as well as sections of the Jordan Valley.

Obama hails 'anti-Israel' Arab plan initiative includes massive concessions, erosion of Jewish character

WorldNetDaily’s Aaron Klein reported that JERUSALEM – Following scores of denials he would trumpet the plan, President Obama today hailed a so-called "Saudi Peace Initiative," which offers normalization of ties with the Jewish state in exchange for extreme Israeli concessions.

Defenders of Israel warn the plan would leave the Jewish state with truncated, difficult-to-defend borders and could threaten Israel's Jewish character by compelling it to accept millions of foreign Arabs.

An original proposal by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in 2002, states that Israel would receive "normal relations" with the Arab world in exchange for a full withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem, which includes the Temple Mount.

The West Bank contains important Jewish biblical sites and borders central Israeli population centers, while the Golan Heights looks down on Israeli civilian zones and twice was used by Syria to mount ground invasions into the Jewish state.

JPOST.Com reported that Netanyahu has called for creation of a limited Palestinian state for the first time, saying it would have to be disarmed. Netanyahu made the call during a major policy speech about his Mideast peacemaking intentions.

"In any peace agreement, the territory under Palestinian control must be disarmed, with solid security guarantees for Israel," he said.

"If we get this guarantee for demilitarization and necessary security arrangements for Israel, and if the Palestinians recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people, we will be willing in a real peace agreement to reach a solution of a demilitarized Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state," he said.

Up to now Netanyahu has resisted endorsing the creation of a Palestinian state as part of a Mideast peace settlement, drawing intense pressure from the administration of President Barack Obama.

Netanyahu also said the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state, and he declared that the solution of the Palestinian refugee problem must be "outside Israel."

Palestinians claim that refugees from the 1948-49 war that followed Israel's creation and their millions of descendants have the right to reclaim their original homes.

I call on you, our Palestinian neighbors, and to the leadership of the Palestinian Authority: Let us begin peace negotiations immediately, without preconditions," he said. "Israel is committed to international agreements and expects all the other parties to fulfill their obligations as well."
Netanyahu also called for Arab leaders to meet him and contribute to Palestinian economic development

"Let me use the most simple words - the root of the struggle is the refusal to recognize Israel as the Jewish state. The initial Arab refusal was to a Jewish state in any location, before Israeli presence in the West Bank," the prime minister said.

"The closer we get to an agreement with the Palestinians, the further it is rejected," he continued. "We tried a withdrawal with an agreement, without one, a partial withdraw and we offered a near-complete withdraw. We uprooted Jewish settlers from their homes, and received a barrage of missiles in return."

"Sadly, even the Palestinian moderates won't say the most simple statement - Israel is the Jewish national state, and will remain as such.

"For peace," he said, "we must ensure that Palestinians have no weapons and the opportunity to create pacts with hostile forces.

"If we receive a commitment to Palestinian recognition of Israel as the Jewish state and a demilitarized Palestinian state, we can reach a final agreement." Netanyahu continued to stress that Jerusalem would remain a united Jewish city.

WorldNetDaily’s Aaron Klein reports:
TEL AVIV – The website for the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem ignores Jews and the state of Israel while providing news and services geared primarily toward Arabs and Palestinians, a pro-Israel group has charged.

"This disclosure is almost beyond belief," stated Harvey Schwartz, chairman of American Israeli Action Coalition. "It is as if the United States is totally denying the existence of Israel or Israelis. We do not believe that this is in accordance with the will of the American people."

The Coalition sent around blast e-mails pointing out the consulate website maintains an Arabic section but not a Hebrew one and that almost the entire
website is dedicated to helping the Palestinian cause

A WND review of the website yesterday found about a dozen announcements related to U.S. aid to the Palestinians, including English training provided to Palestinians schools; an item about a $200 million grant to the Palestinian Authority; and eight local grants provided to Arabs in eastern Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

Not a single announcement was related to Israel except for a two-sentence item on the opening ceremony to mark the U.S. funding of an initiative to review Israel and Palestinian textbooks. But even that announcement was geared toward the PA.

The website further announces the availability of educational financial grants to candidates who must be "a Palestinian resident of the West Bank, East Jerusalem or the Gaza Strip," thereby excluding Israelis.

One initiative announced on the site is a U.S. grant provided to the Palestinian Association for Cultural Exchange, a Palestinian nonprofit whose official website refers to the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem as "Palestinian areas" even though the territories contain historically Jewish biblical areas and are recognized by international law as either "disputed" or "occupied" but not as Palestinian areas.

Aside from a website geared toward Palestinians, WND broke the story last week that the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem also closely monitors and protests Jewish construction projects in eastern Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank.

The officials, who spoke on condition that their names be withheld, said that last March Mitchell oversaw the establishment of an enhanced apparatus based in the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem that closely monitors the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods, incorporating regular tours of the areas, at times on a daily basis.

"They drive around the towns, check up on what's going on. They try to mingle with us to get more information on what we're up to and what we're doing," he said.

Haivri, a 20-year resident of Tapuach said, “The consular officials present themselves as advisers to the U.S. consul-general.But we know they are really spies for the Obama administration," he said.

Jerusalem officials affirm the consular staff report to Obama's envoy, Mitchell.

Cyndi’s Veiw:

Now that the One World Government has a permanent President in place they will work forward in their effort to force the Jews into a treaty. This treaty will give most of its power to the Palestinians. The Jews will have to give up much of its land and basically stop reproducing.

Obama’s goal is to give all kinds of headaches to Netanyahu in an effort to ware him down. The Administration’s plan will establish a Palestinian state in the heart of the ancient Jewish land. Meaning, he plans to force Israel’s hand to paper and ink. A gangster type of stance will make the U.S. look more like a dictator then peacemaker.

The on going goals of the U.S. Administration and Palestinian negotiations are to push for a Palestinian State in two years or sooner. They are not far from using sanctions against Israel if there is no compliance.

And if you have been keeping current with what has been going on with the peace talks you’ll see Obama has, since the beginning of his reign, been meeting with Arab countries in which his favor is bestowed.

Some of these Arab states that have found favor include Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordon. And as a result Israel will be over run with people who want them to disappear from the face of the earth.

What price will it be for Israel’s peace with the Muslim world? Their very sovereignty is in danger of being taken. That threat promises to make the cost too great to pay.

Even now the EU is getting in on the act. By telling them to pursue a resolution to the Arab-Israel conflict. The rest of the world promotes the two-state solution. They say that Israel will face consequences from the European Union if they don’t act soon. (the one world government)

The simple fact is that it seems the Nations are all united against the Jewish state. They are working hard to keep them from being a sovereign country to themselves. But this is nothing new for the Jewish people. All through time they have suffered persecutions and it will always be that way because, I believe as a Christian, they are God’s beloved.

Many pressures are put on these peace talks. And Obama is not really condemning Palestinian terrorism. There is no recognition from the Administration, in my opinion, for the existence of Israel and its right to build and expand as needed. He demands a total Jewish settlement freeze. Well, does Obama’s decrees sound much like a modern day Pharaoh? What does he suggest they do with their babies through natural growth?

What if, just for arguments sake, Mexico and Canada threw missiles at the U.S. on every side? They demanded that we give back land that was either won in battles or bought. And they got together and decided we didn’t even have the right to exist as a sovereign country and then told us we couldn’t expand in any way. Imagine the whole world thinking along those lines. What do you suppose would happen?

If these endeavors succeed who will be next? It is like a raging river that is out of control. After all, they call Israel the little Satan and the U.S. the big Satan.

Just a thought, but what tops the cake is the Obama Administration is like a bull on a full charge, huffs pounding, and a horn sharpened for battle against little sheep.

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