Monday, November 30, 2009

EU Permanent President Elected And Already Making Plans For 'Global Management of Planet'

© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Copenhagen climate summit steps toward 1-world government. In accepting his appointment to be the first permanent president of the European Council in the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy affirmed his belief that the new world order would be dominated by international organizations that would seek to destroy the last vestiges of nation-states on the face of the globe, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.

In a speech captured by BBC and posted on YouTube, Van Rompuy proclaimed, "2009 is the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step toward the global management of our planet."

Mario Borghezio, a member of Italy's Lega Nord who is also a member of the European Parliament, pointed out in a speech to the European Parliament that Van Rompuy is a frequent attendee at Bilderberg Group and Trilateral Commission meetings.

Borghezio asked how it is possible that no one has mentioned Van Rompuy is a candidate of these "occult groups" who "meet behind closed doors to decide matters over the heads of the people."

Van Rompuy is known in Europe for his proposals that in the EU national symbols need to be replaced by European symbols, such that the national flags of the EU member nations would disappear in favor of the EU flag, and the same would happen with license plates, identity cards and even sporting events, as reported by the Telegraph in Great Britain.

Corsi wrote, "Following Van Rompuy's comments, there should be no doubt that the globalists have no intention of stopping or slowing down, as even the EU itself is simply one small step of regionalism on the new world order journey of international government in which nation-states themselves become bygone entities of a once-treasured past." is the Network of independent policy portals on EU affairs, counting 590,000 unique visitors together with the Web 2.0 platform (CM certified figures- October 2008) Set up in 1999, the portal is an important working instrument for majority of EU Actors (institutions, industry federations, NGO’s, think tanks, the press and others) involved in defining or influencing EU policies.

National policy portals of the Cross Lingual Network in 10 countries and 10 Languages are accessible here

EurActiv, the independent media portal specialized in EU policies, will be running special coverage on Europe’s new treaty from the 30th of November to the 4th of December.

With EU leaders now having decided who their permanent president and foreign policy representative will be, attention is now focusing on what concrete changes the treaty will bring to EU policy.

The special week coverage will feature on EurActiv’s EU Priorities and Opinion section, which is supported by Coca-Cola, IBM, Enel and speak is available free of charge in available free of charge in three languages at the following address:

Euractiv Newsletter:
On the 27th November 2009, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso unveiled the EU executive's new line-up on Friday (27 November), handing Finn Olli Rehn the key economic policy portfolio and giving Frenchman Michel Barnier a controversial role in overseeing regulation of the financial sector.

The distribution of portfolios is the prerogative of the European Commission president. However, EU member states often state their preferences, trying to "mark their territory" or influence his decision-making.

Commissioners do not represent their countries. However, both in Eastern and Western Europe, the post continues to be seen as the most senior national position in the EU executive.

Rehn takes over from Spaniard Joaquin Almunia, who will become competition commissioner in the 27-country bloc's executive. France's Michel Barnier was named internal market commissioner, with responsibility for financial services.

The formation of the European Commission is the latest stage in the EU's efforts to maintain its influence on the world stage after the economic crisis.

The 27-person team, which represents almost 500 million people, is likely to take office early next year. It will serve for five years, but first needs the European Parliament's approval.

José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, today announced the portfolios responsibilities for the next Commission. The President has held detailed consultations with all the Commissioners-designate in order to assign the right jobs to the right people. The President believes that this team can deliver the agenda for change he set out in the political guidelines he presented in September, following his nomination by all 27 Member States and before his approval as

President of the next Commission by the European Parliament.
The new College will have 7 Vice-Presidents, including Vice-President Baroness Catherine Ashton who will, at the same time, be the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 December next. Three of the Vice-Presidents will be women. The new College will have 27 members, including President Barroso, one from each Member State. It includes 9 women. The members of the College come from different political families, notably the European People's Party (EPP), the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S & D), and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE). 14 members, including the President, were already members of the outgoing College.

Responsibilities of the Commissioners-designate
1. Joaquín ALMUNIA: Competition. Vice-President of the Commission.
2. László ANDOR: Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
3. Baroness Catherine ASHTON: Who holds two positions of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security and Vice-President of the Commission.
4. Michel BARNIER: Internal Market and Services.
5. Dacian CIOLOS: Agriculture and Rural Development.
6. John DALLI: Health and Consumer Policy.
7. Maria DAMANAKI: Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
8. Karel DE GUCHT: Trade.
9. Štefan FÜLE: Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy. *
10. Johannes HAHN: Regional Policy.
11. Connie HEDEGAARD: Climate Action.
12. Maire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN: Research and Innovation.
13. Rumiana JELEVA: International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response.
14. Siim KALLAS: Transport. Vice-President of the Commission.
15. Neelie KROES: Digital Agenda. Vice-President of the Commission.
16. Janusz LEWANDOWSKI: Budget and Financial Programming.
17. Cecilia MALMSTRÖM: Home Affairs.
18. Günter OETTINGER: Energy.
19. Andris PIEBALGS: Development.
20. Janez POTOČNIK: Environment.
21. Viviane REDING: Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. Vice-President of the Commission.
22. Olli REHN: Economic and Monetary Affairs.
23. Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ: Vice-President of the Commission for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration.
24. Algirdas ŠEMETA: Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud.
25. Antonio TAJANI: Industry and Entrepreneurship. Vice-President of the Commission.
26. Androulla VASSILIOU: Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.

Note on the Vice-Presidencies: Baroness Catherine Ashton will be the 1 st Vice-President. However, having regard to her specific functions, notably in the Council, the replacement of the President in his absence will be assured by the other Vice-Presidents, in the order of precedence defined by the President. The order of precedence is: Viviane Reding, Joaquín Almunia, Siim Kallas, Neelie Kroes, Antonio Tajani, Maroš Šefčovič.

Policy Summary:
The Irish 'yes' to the Lisbon Treaty in a second referendum in October (EurActiv 03/10/09) and the subsequent signature of the text by Czech President Václav Klaus (EurActiv 03/11/09) ended almost a decade of constitutional debate in the European Union.

It culminated on 19 November with the appointment of Herman Van Rompuy as the first permanent EU president and Baroness Catherine Ashton as High Representative for Foreign Affairs (EurActiv 20/11/09).

Even though the mandate of the current Commission ended on 31 October 2009, it will remain in place until the new college has been approved and has taken office, expected for early 2010.

On 25 November, the EU executive published a list of 'commissioners-designate for the next Commission.’ Commission President José Manuel Barroso will divide the portfolios between the 27 member states, each of which has nominated one representative. The approval of the European Parliament must then be sought.

Currently, only two of the 27 EU heads of state and government are women: Angela Merkel in Germany and Dalia Grybauskaite in Lithuania. The Commission has never had a female president, while just two of 13 European Parliament presidents have been female since direct elections were introduced in 1979. These were both Frenchwomen, Simone Veil (1979-1982) and Nicole Fontaine (1999-2002).

Barroso II
Barroso won unanimous backing from EU heads of state and government at the 18-19 June summit for a second five-year mandate at the head of the European Commission (EurActiv 19/06/09), and on 16 September the European Parliament approved him to steer the European Commission for a second five-year term - not only under the terms of the current Nice Treaty, but also under the tougher criteria of the Lisbon Treaty, when it comes into force.

Two 'new top jobs'
The Treaty of Lisbon, which will enter into force on 1 December 2009, introduces the new 'top jobs.’ Public opinion and the European press have been widely critical of the appointment of Herman Van Rompuy and Catherine Ashton to the EU's new top positions, with Germany in particular feeling it had been tricked into accepting a bad deal (EurActiv 23/11/09).

Cyndi’s perspective:

At this point your head is more then likely spinning as you have read about these elections. What does it all mean? And what does it all have to do with you, as an American? Well, as I have been telling you for months, it is a climate change discussion with underlying baritones of Communism. And I can hear some of you say,” NOT IN AMERICA!” Yes, sad as it is, in America people have been willing to turn their heads for far too long as cold hearted and hot headed individuals put forth their plan to turn the ‘Land of the Free’ into a Godless Socialist-Progressive Country.

Where is the American outrage? Where is Patriotism? Where is love of freedom? The massive transfer of wealth (sharing the wealth) that Obama talked about before he was even elected is about to happen. People really didn’t listen to what was being said. They only saw color as making history. Not bothering to hear what he planned to do once elected. He didn’t have to hide his intentions because people were so in love with the idea of the first black president that they overlooked everything else. Well, change they wanted, change is what they are going to get. I want you to note that color means nothing to me; it is what is inside a person that makes them worth their salt.

The NX1 countries, as countries like the U.S. are called, will have to pay billions of dollars every year for ‘climate debt’ because they claim that we are to blame for the earth’s warming and our President agrees. Where do you think that this compensation will come from? You and I will have to pay. That is where the bogus ‘Cap and Trade’ comes in. You know, the climate change weapon. CO2 gas is supposed to destroying our world. God made that exchange between humans and plant life as I told you last week. So ‘Cap and Trade’ is virtually rationing energy and in return raising taxes where you won’t be able to afford the essentials of everyday living.

Environmental activists with their fear mongering of doom are already pushing for a restructure of our society. At the very center of ‘Cap and Trade’ is a desire to control people’s lives. The ‘Cap and Trade’ legislature will cause your electricity cost and all other utilities to soar. I can’t say it enough; global warming is a far-sod.

The ‘Lisbon Treaty’ that is expected to be signed by many countries, including ours, is not just about climate change and control, just like the ‘Health Bill is not just about health. It is the signing away of what we as Americans hold dear, our sovereignty. Freedom to love and to live the life we want to.

Lord Monckton has tried to warn America not to let our President sign. But, who can not stop him? He has never once listened to the wishes of the people who put him in office. Once signed, we will be part of a One World Government that doesn’t recognize individual rights. We will not have a Constitution of our own cause it will stand for nothing. The newly elected permanent EU president, Herman Van Rompuy, is a Communist and as stated earlier wants to do away with Nation-states. His plans are to have one peoples, one government, one currency, and one constitution. And Christian rights are not a part of that equation.

These elections may not seem important to you at this time but you must take note. You must be informed as the events unfold so you won’t be blind-sided. As I have told you before, you will not be consulted to what you think in this insanity. We are only spectators.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Will The Lisbon Treaty Mean For Us?
Search for EU president continues after summit
The race to become the EU's first permanent president is still in full force. Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, who has impressed so far in his temporary EU president role, said today (30 October) that he was not a candidate for the new permanent position to be created by the Lisbon Treaty. Having been complimented by many for his latest diplomatic achievements at the EU summit, such as putting in place the Czech Lisbon treaty guarantees, Reinfeldt remained humble.
With former British Prime Minister Tony Blair apparently out of the running (EurActiv 29/10/09), Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker now appears to be the leading candidate for the position.

Another strong contender, Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, was apparently asked by his coalition partner, the Dutch Christian Democrats, not to leave national politics, as his departure would trigger the collapse of the government coalition and lead to early elections.

It is even less obvious at this stage who would be granted the position of High Representative for Foreign Policy, the second top job created by the Lisbon Treaty.

It has been agreed in principle that if a centre-right-affiliated politician becomes Council president, the high representative would be selected from the socialists' ranks. The socialists even set up a 'troika' to negotiate the job, consisting of Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann and Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, the president of the Party of European Socialists.

The Socialist group in the European Parliament also reportedly has a "shortlist" of candidates, namely Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, Romanian MEP Adrian Severin and three former foreign ministers, Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany, Elisabeth Guigou of France and Alfred Gusenbauer of Austria.

But, as French President Nicolas Sarkozy said at the summit, the candidates whose names are mentioned first are never the successful ones.

"Of course we discussed [top jobs] in the corridors," Sarkozy said. He added that the first "difficult" task would be to agree on who the Council president would be, and then start looking for a high representative.

"You can imagine that the political affiliations [and] the geographic origins must be complementary for these posts. We cannot conceive that the three posts would go to persons coming from the same region or the same political family," Sarkozy said.

Note: It took eight years of intricate negotiations for the EU's new reform treaty to see the light of day, since EU leaders first debated its proposed reforms at the 14-15 December Laeken summit in 2001.

Edward Lucas, author of the book 'The New Cold War', says that the new Russian concept of "security architecture" in Europe implies the establishment of a condominium in Europe between Russia and the big European countries, excluding the United States and overriding the interests of small EU countries.

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A video explaining the dangers of a U.N. treaty proposal promoted by President Obama that critics say would lead to a world government has received more than 3.5 million views since WND broke the story on the ominous possibilities, and now there is word from the Obama administration the plan might not be going so smoothly.

In the video, Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, asserts the real purpose of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen Dec. 7-18 is to use concern over "global warming" as a pretext to lay the foundation for a one-world government.

At the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen "this December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed," Lord Christopher Monckton told a Minnesota Free Market Institute audience at Bethel University in St. Paul.

• Washington Times Jeffrey T. Kuhner
Global warming is the greatest fraud of our time. The overwhelming scientific evidence shows that, rather than getting hotter, the Earth's temperatures are cooling. Increasing numbers of leading scientists are challenging the flawed computer models used by eco-alarmists.

Mr. Gore and his supporters cannot answer several simple questions. If the Earth's temperatures are no longer rising, then how can CO2 emissions be responsible for global warming? How could previous dramatic increases in global temperatures - such as the end of the Ice Age - have taken place without concentrations of CO2? The answer is obvious: Carbon emissions are not connected to fluctuations in global temperatures.

The mad drive for an international cap-and-trade system is really geared toward achieving the left's long-sought goal: the destruction of democratic capitalism and national sovereignty. The Greens are poised to succeed where the Reds failed.

It calls for a massive transfer of wealth from the developed world to the developing world. The United States would be forced to spend billions of dollars a year in foreign aid to pay for a so-called "climate debt" - a provision to punish wealthy countries for having historically emitted large amounts of CO2, while compensating poor ones for not contributing to greenhouse gases. John Charlton

Watch Lord Monckton’s Speech on Video
by John Charlton
(Oct. 16, 2009) — One world government, ruled by heartless and godless Marxists might be here sooner than you think. And the objectives of international Communists might explain all the money and power behind putting Obama into power.

But the mechanism for establishing this one world Marxist government has only recently been revealed: The Copenhagen Treaty on Climate Change.
So says Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who, according to Fightin’ Words Blog, gave a scathing critique of the treaty at the recent Minnesota Freemarket Institute Conference:

I don’t minimize the difficulty. But on this subject – I don’t really do politics, because it’s not right. In the end, your politics is for you. The correct procedure is for you to get onto your representatives, both in the US Senate where the bill has yet to go through (you can try and stop that) and in [the House], and get them to demand their right of audience (which they all have) with the president and tell him about this treaty. There are many very powerful people in this room, wealthy people, influential people. Get onto the media, tell them about this treaty. If they go to, they will find (if they look carefully enough) a copy of that treaty, because I arranged for it to be posted there not so long ago. Let them read it, and let the press tell the people that their democracy is about to be taken away for no good purpose, at least [with] no scientific basis [in reference to climate change]. Tell the press to say this. Tell the press to say that, even if there is a problem [with climate change], you don’t want your democracy taken away. It really is as simple as that.

[Update: this section on a question from an attendee to the presentation has been removed from this WUWT article because even though Monckton clearly refuted it, it is turning into a debate over presidential eligibility that I don't want at WUWT. If you want to see it and discuss it. Do it at the original blog entry Fightin' Words - Anthony]

Regardless of whether global warming is taking place or caused to any degree by human activity, we do not want a global government empowered to tax Americans without elected representation or anything analogous to constitutional protections. The Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they knew their progeny allowed a foreign power such authority, effectively undoing their every effort in an act of Anti-American Revolution. If that is our imminent course, we need to put all else on hold and focus on stopping it. If American sovereignty is ceded, all other debate is irrelevant.

Christian Broadcasting Network’s Dale Hurd:
COPENHAGEN, Denmark and WASHINGTON - The Obama administration says climate change is a serious health issue and the EPA has even labeled carbon dioxide as pollution. Now, many fear global warming is the greatest threat to mankind, but what if the Earth was no longer warming, and began to cool?

Fear of global warming led the House of Representatives to pass "cap and trade" legislation, which is essentially an energy rationing bill and a tax increase on energy that some groups say will take trillions of dollars out of the pockets of families. It still has to pass the Senate.

From Hot to Cold?
But what if the Earth was no longer warming, but cooling? One image shows how the sun has looked for most of 2008 and 2009-- devoid of any sunspots. NASA says sunspot activity is now at a 100 year low.

“ The sun is very cold right now because of the lack of sunspots. And that is one of the reasons we haven't seen warming for the past 12 years or so," said former Virginia state climatologic Patrick Michaels. We had a warming that began about 1977 and ended 1997 and it hasn’t been seen since.” reported:
An Environmental Protection Agency analysis shows that under the House bill– new forests would spread across the American landscape, replacing both pasture and farm fields. Cap and Trade gives financial incentives to farmers and ranchers to plant trees versus food crops.

The bill would allow landowners who “reduce carbon dioxide” by NOT planting food, to sell carbon permits to “polluters” like power plants. Those suckers are going to become quite valuable if Cap and Tax passes. Bonus: credit-owners can sell credits in a new market provided exclusively by Goldman Sachs.

The plan would be hard on ranchers and farmers, and food prices will surely soar. Cap and Tax will touch every corner of our economy as-is, and will make virtually everything more expensive…including food. A reduction in food production would only exacerbate the misery.

PBS Interviewed Kissinger on ‘New World Order’
’There is a need for a new world order,” Kissinger told PBS interviewer, Charlie Rose last year. “I think that at the end of this administration, (talking about Bush) with all it’s turmoil, and at the beginning of the next, we might actually witness the creation of a New order.

Because people looking in the abyss, even in Islamic world, have to conclude that at some point, order expectations must return under a different system.”

Taxing Us for Breathing
By Robert Tracinski
Last week, the New York Times published an extraordinary editorial complaining "Right now, everyone is using the atmosphere like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free." The Times editors suggested that the government "start charging for the privilege" by imposing a "carbon tax."
EPA Declares Human Breath (CO2) a Pollutant
The EPA on April 17 proposed new regulations to control carbon dioxide (CO2) and five other “greenhouse gases” as “pollutants” under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act. While not mentioning what aspects of carbon-dioxide emissions will be regulated, the carbon dioxide emitted from automobiles and power plants is definitely on the regulation block. The first step toward costly and far-reaching regulations is that the EPA establish carbon dioxide as a regulatory “pollutant,” even though all plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and all animals exhale carbon dioxide.

In fact, about 8 percent of man-made worldwide carbon dioxide emissions are due to simple human breathing. The EPA says they do not want to regulate this activity … for now. But there's no chemical difference between CO2 emitted from a gasoline engine and that emitted from a human lung.

Translated from bureaucratese, it means that carbon dioxide, methane and other alleged “pollutants” aren’t dangerous and are in fact natural elements. But the fact that human activities such as breathing and car exhaust add to the global amount of carbon dioxide means that CO2 emissions should be regulated, according to the EPA.

Cyndi’s View:

For one thing, once signed, the treaty's enforcement will limit America's sovereignty, regardless of what our Constitution says. They want us to believe that the Lisbon Treaty is merely a International Climate treaty.Will the world unite in Copenhagen? Many fear that the impact on liberties will be a cost they are not willing to pay.

According to EU practice, new treaties enter into force on the first day of the month after they are deposited in Rome. So, you can look for a change in the way we do things, farely quick, once our sovereignty has been signed away.

Our present administration has an agenda to push forward taxation on America the likes of which hasn’t been since before the Boston tea parties of old. Thus, “Cap and Trade” appears. All in the name of ‘Climate Change’ and the reduction of carbon dioxide.

And what of food productions? Yes, even that will not be untouched in the whole scheme of things. This will leave America with food shortages the likes that has never been seen in our history. And whom will they blame for this? Who will be the escape goat?

Essentially, ‘Cap and Trade’ is an energy-rationing bill that will put an unnecessary tax burden on the American people. Climate change is a weapon being used against America. It is a bogus decree to the point of even declaring human breath to be against the environment. God made the CO2 gases to be taken care of by plant life. And in return, plant life gives back to us good clean air.

According to Fox News, the gross domestic product losses increase by two trillion dollars through this plan. It will destroy 1,105,000 jobs on average. This will lead to higher unemployment. It will cause electricity rates to go up 90%. Yearly energy bills will increase by $1,500 and gasoline prices will go up 74%. And Americans will have virturally no say in the process.

This ‘Climate Change Treaty’ WILL lead to’Global Government’. It says as much in NX1 paragraph 38 of the treaty document. India and China says they will not join and that they will not pay for what is in the treaty. They emit the most CO2 gases in the world. The NX1 countries, which are the rich, like America, will have to give a 2% tax.

We are watching the “Peace Treaty” that will be signed with the two brothers in the Middle East. That will be the ultimate goal for the up coming New World Leader. The one who makes peace will be a shoe in. So keep your eye on the peace talks and news that will soon bring these signatures to paper.

It all comes down to one thing, if this treaty is signed, our constitution will become no more than paper and ink. And our freedom will only be a fond memory. Our fight for liberty cost many lives and much blood shed. And for what? So people who do not love our country can give it all away?

Petition against climate change treaty here...

Friday, November 20, 2009


10-09 Farm Wars Barbara Peterson reported that Pennsylvania drafted a mandatory vaccination law. The law states that the public health authority may, for such period as the state of public health emergency exists, compel a person to be vaccinated or treated, or both, for an infectious disease subject to the following provisions: (1) Vaccination may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the public health authority. (2) A vaccine may not be given if the public health authority has reason to know that a particular individual is likely to suffer serious harm from the vaccination. Since the CDC has already declared that individuals are unlikely to suffer serious harm from vaccination, they have a free pass. Wasn't that easy?

Barbara went on to say that States are getting ready for the mandatory vaccination stage of the eugenics program, and Pennsylvania is right on schedule with Pennsylvania House Bill 492, the “Emergency Health Powers Act.”

Worrier Society Radio reported America should take note of the recent Verichip developments creating the perfect storm to link financial, dentification, and health information together with a single implantable rfid device.

A Reuters Tue Apr 28, 2009 article detailed VeriChip Corporation`s Healthcare Division Expanding Existing Development Partnership to include new biological and environmental sensor applications- Article Here

America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 has Buried in the legislation is a provision for a class 2 implantable device for participants. The design of the legislation is to make it very difficult for anyone to oppose the plan once passed.

House Resolution 3200 was crafted with the intention of using a Class II RFID microchip to link personal and medical information of participants and will relay that information to the government.

This is why Mr. Obama is pressured to promote the legislation regardless of opposition from the American People. -All under the guise of efficiency and the public good - House Resolution 3200.

Conservatives For Patients’ Rights reported:
Any serious discussion of health care reform that does not include choice, competition, accountability and responsibility — the four "pillars" of patients' rights — will result in our government truly becoming a "nanny-state," making decisions based on what is best for society and government rather than individuals deciding what is best for each of us.

A patient must have the right to choose their own doctor, and must protect a consumer's right to choose the health insurance that best fits their needs and budget.

This health care overhaul is an inexcusable assault on the Constitution and everything America stands for. Here are some of its many shocking and appalling provisions (as copiously tracked by Peter Fleckstein)

PG 22: Mandates that the federal government will audit books of all employers who self insure

PG 30, Sec 123: Establishes a government committee that decides what treatments/benefits you get.

PG 29, Lines 4-16: Directly rations health care for the elderly.

PG 42: The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you.

PG 50, Section 152: Extends benefits and coverage to illegal immigrants.

PG 58: The creation of a national ID health card and a comprehensive federal database containing streaming data on every American's personal financial records.

PG 59: The federal government accesses your bank accounts for mandatory funds transfers.

PG 65, Sec 164: Creates special, federally subsidized coverage for Unions and "Community Organizing" groups.

PG 84 Sec 203 HC bill - Dictates the benefits packages of all private health insurance plans.

PG 85, Line 7: Limits what private insurers can offer (rationed care).

PG 91, Lines 4-7: Mandates that health care providers pay for interpreters for illegal immigrants.

Pg 95, Lines 8-18: The mandatory use of ACORN and Americorps for signing up Americans to government insurance.

PG 85, Line 7: Imposes more limits on coverage (rationing).

PG 102, Lines 12-18: Mandates Medicare for all who fit criteria (removes all choice).

PG 124, Lines 24-25: Bans companies from suing the federal government, bans the entire judicial system from hearing any cases on the legitimacy of this blatantly unconstitutional socialist health care takeover (no judicial review allowed whatsoever).

PG 127, Lines 1-16: Instructs doctors/AMA on what salaries they are allowed to make.

PG 145, Line 15-17: Requires all employers to enroll all new employees in the government system (no choice whatsoever).

PG 126, Lines 22-25: Requires employers to independently provide insurance for part-time workers, whether they can afford it or not (no choice).

PG 149, Lines 16-24: Imposes an 8% payroll tax penalty for any employer (making over $400k) who fails to force his employees onto government insurance.

PG 150, Lines 9-13: Employers making between $251k and $400k pay 2-6% penalty.

PG 167, Lines 18-23: Imposes 2.5% income tax penalty on any privately-insured individual who fails to get "adequate" private insurance.

PG 170, Lines 1-3: Stipulates that all non-resident aliens pay nothing (we foot the bill).

PG 195: Federal officers will have full access to every citizen's most private records.

Pg 239, Line 14-24: Rations Medicaid services for low-income Seniors.

Pg 241, Line 6-8: Mandates that all doctors be paid the same, regardless of specialty.

PG 253, Line 10-18: Imposes federally determined price tag for the worth of every doctor's time and services.

PG 265, Sec 1131: Imposes controls on productivity for private health care companies.

PG 268, Sec 1141: Imposes regulations on rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs.

PG 272, Sec. 1145: Cancer treatment rationing.

PG 280, Sec 1151: Imposes penalties and fines on private hospitals for "preventable" visits.

PG 298, Lines 9-11: Imposes penalties and fines on private hospitals for readmissions after initial treatment (fix it on the first try or suffer the consequences).

PG 317, Lines 13-20: Prohibits doctors from purchasing or investing in medical care facilities.

PG 321, Line 2-13: Pretends to give hospitals the choice to go fully federal, but only if local "community" groups (ACORN) approve.

PG 335, Line 16-25, Pg 336-339: Imposes more rationing of services.

PG 341, Lines 3-9: Creates the federal power to arbitrarily disqualify HMOs, forcing people onto government care at random.

PG 354, Sec 1177 - Rationing of care for special needs people.

PG 379, Sec 1191: Creates new Telehealth bureaucracy (nanny state health care by phone).

PG 425, Lines 4-12: Creates mandatory end of life consultation.

PG 425, Lines 17-19: Mandatory government instruction and consultation on living wills, durable power of attorney, etc.

PG 429, Lines 10-12: Empowers the federal government to order end-of-life plans through something called, "advanced care consultation."

Pg 429, Lines 13-25: Puts the federal government in charge of which doctors can write an end of life order.

PG 430, Lines 11-15: Puts the federal government in complete control of what care you receive at the end of your life.

World Net reported:
President Obama’s health care proposals have the very real potential to turn this nightmare into a reality for many Americans, according to an in-depth investigation reported in the August edition of Whistleblower magazine, titled "MEDICAL MURDER: Why Obamacare could result in the early deaths of millions of baby boomers."

For instance, the cover story, "Medical Murder," documents how British seniors, under a government-run system, "are routinely denied treatment for cancer, heart disease and other deadly illnesses," many dying "in filthy, overcrowded hospitals or nursing homes, rife with pestilence, including the deadly, antibiotic-resistant superbugs." Numerous horror stories of needed medical care intentionally denied reveal the stark reality of government-run health care worldwide.

Columnist Charlotte Allen for the Los Angeles Times reported:
In looking for a way to fund healthcare, Obama has set his eye on the oldest and sickest. You see, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, about 30percent of Medicare spending – nearly $100 billion annually – goes to care for patients during their last year of life. What if there was no 'last year of life,' the president seems to be asking. ... Why not save billions of dollars by killing off our own unproductive oldsters and terminal patients, or – since we aren't likely to do that outright in this, the 21st century – why not simply ensure that they die faster by denying them costly medical care? The savings could then subsidize care for the younger and healthier.

And for those who have been paying close attention, Obama himself has ever so gently hinted at his true intentions. At a town hall event in June televised by ABC News, Obama cited the case of his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who died on the eve of his election, suggesting one way to cut medical costs would be to stop expensive procedures on people about to die. Families, Obama said, need better information so they don't approve "additional tests or additional drugs that the evidence shows is not necessarily going to improve care. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller," Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter: Congress Mandating That People Buy Health Insurance Like States Requiring Driver’s Licenses, Mark Warner says.

“Some Republicans have argued that the health care bill is unconstitutional. Does the Constitution give Congress the authority to mandate whether individuals should purchase health insurance – to mandate that they have to purchase health insurance?”

Warner: “The United States Congress passed laws regarding Medicare and Medicaid that became de facto mandatory programs. States all the time require people to have driver’s licenses. I think that this is a bit of a spurious argument that’s being made by some folks.

Cyndi’s View:

Health Care involves human dignity, the right to choose and make life and death decisions. Tyranny is here folks. Is it too late to stop government from forcing the people of this great country into buying insurance they may not need in the first place? There is no freedom of chose in that. After all, some are considering making it the same as requiring a driver’s license.

If you choose not to have insurance there will be penalties for not following this mandate. Such as, fines up to $1900, 2.5 % of your income taken and/or jail for a year.

Employers will be required to pay at least 75% of the cost of their employees health care, which will force them to have to give way to the government run Health Care. Not only is this an added burden to those who need employees to run their businesses, but also employers will be less likely to expand. They may even be forced to lay off their employees and make their businesses smaller in order to stay a float.

In the 900 pages of the health Bill- they want to tell the citizens of the U.S. when and how many babies they can have.

On page 831- they want assigned people to come to your home, before and after you have a baby, to instruct you on what is allowed to be taught your child according to government rules. Excuse me, but do you want government deciding what you can teach your own child?

What if, say your loved one has dementia? Well, in that case, they would either have the option of one year or $30,000. Of care. Then they would be provided with Hospice to help their end of life care. Get the picture?

We hear of ratings and death panels, as people say, “Not in America!” But the fact remains that cost effectiveness is going to be the foremost thing on the czars’ minds as they consider who gets the care and who doesn’t. This is a real consideration as political ideologies are in play and ‘Nationalized Health Care’ draws closer.

This Bill isn’t even supposed to take its place as law for four years after it is signed. So, what is the hurry? They, the Progressive Democrat’s, know if it’s not signed soon that they may loose the ground they have gained. Some of the Democrats may not make it next term. America’s not pleased with what they have been doing as the majority.

My question is that if the Health care Bill is so great then why doesn’t congress want to participate in such a program?


Monday, November 9, 2009

Obama signed into Law Hate Crimes Bill of 2009 or HR 1913 on October 28th of 2009.

Huffington Post’s Paul Legendre reported that Secretary of State Clinton recently underlined the importance of combating hate crime, at the launch of the State Department's 2009 Report on International Religious Freedom by proclaiming that the best antidote to religious intolerance is "a combination of robust legal protections against discrimination and hate crimes, proactive government outreach to minority religious groups, and the vigorous defense of both freedom of religion and expression."

Together, President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and other members of the administration must be prepared to carry and promote this message overseas, in countries where governments are not responding adequately to violence motivated by religious intolerance, racism and xenophobia, sexual orientation and gender identity bias, or other similar manifestations of intolerance. In many parts of the world, governments are failing to take hate violence seriously by bringing the perpetrators to justice

Andy Birkey from ‘Religious Right’ reported that Friday was historic for LGBT Americans as President Obama signed into law a hate crimes bill that includes sexual orientation and gender identity. But some among Minnesota’s religious right didn’t receive the news warmly, saying the law will bring the wrath of God down on America, that Obama is an “anti-Christian radical” and that the bill was a plot by “homosexuals” to silence Christians.’s Alex Bush reported May 19, 2009 - James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, stated on his daily radio program, Focus on the Family Daily, that "utter evil" is coming out of the United States Congress. He made the remark in reference to the recently passed Hate Crimes Bill, H.R.1913, which makes "sexual orientation," as well as race, religion, class, gender or disability, categories that are protected from "hate crimes."

Bill H.R.1913 has been criticized by conservative commentators, who say that it could be used to prosecute religious leaders who simply defend traditional moral views on sexuality. Critics have also charged that the bill is redundant, since violent crimes are already punishable by law, and that the bill, by protecting special classes from "hate," effectively criminalizes thoughts rather than criminal actions.

Dobson was joined on his radio show by Congressmen Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and Steve King, R-Iowa.

"Every case they bring up would not be affected one iota, not one bit, by this hate crimes legislation," Gohmert said, "What this bill does is, it starts saying [that] some classes, some types of people, are more important to protect than others. That divides America, it's un-American."

Bill H.R.1913 states that whoever "attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of any person" commits a hate crime.

According to Gohmert, if a religious leader teaches "that homosexuality is wrong and someone goes out and commits a crime of violence then [the religious leader] can be arrested for inducing that person to do it and under
existing Federal Law you are as guilty as the one who committed the act of violence."
Dobson then quipped in response, "So much for the 1st amendment."

Kathleen Gilbert - WASHINGTON, D.C.,( - A divided House Judiciary Committee yesterday voted to send a federal "hate crimes" bill to the House, after free speech advocates failed to secure protection for pastors who might preach biblically-based injunctions against homosexual activity.
Christian leaders are particularly concerned that attempts to secure the right to speak against the homosexual lifestyle and its normalization have failed. Among many rejected proposals for the bill was one offered by Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, which would have included a clause ensuring ministers could not be prosecuted for abetting a "hate crime" because they preached the Christian perspective on homosexuality.

WorldNetDaily reported House agrees to muzzle pastors with 'hate crimes' plan ‘This is first time protected status given to whatever sexual orientation one has’
The U.S. House today approved a federal "hate crimes" bill, H.R. 1913, that would provide special protections to homosexuals but leave Christian ministers open to prosecution should their teachings be linked to any subsequent offense, by anyone, against a "gay."

Bishop Harry Jackson Jr. said the action puts "sexual orientation" in a specially protected class under federal law.

"Based on history, it really isn’t something that needs to be protected," he said. "There's a problem that this is going to mark the first time that a protected class status is given to...whatever sexual orientation one has." He said the experience in other countries has led to prosecution of Christians. In Sweden, for example, a minister was sentenced to 30 days in jail for preaching from Leviticus.

Andrea Lafferty, executive director of ‘The Traditional Values Coalition’, said, "The Anti-Christian Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives has acted today to lay the legal foundation and framework to investigate and persecute pastors, youth pastors, Bible teachers, and anyone else whose Bible speech and thought is based upon and reflects the truths found in the Bible.

"A pastor's sermon could be considered 'hate speech' under this legislation if heard by an individual who then acts aggressively against persons based on 'sexual orientation.' The pastor could be prosecuted for 'conspiracy to commit a hate crime'"

She goes on to say that this Democrat-controlled Congress has now elevated pedophiles and other bizarre sexual orientations, as well as drag queens, transgenders, lesbians and gay men to the level of protection of that already given to African Americans, Hispanics and other minorities in the law,"

Matt Barber of ‘Liberty Counsel’ has spoken out against H.R. 1913 a number of times. "As has proved to be true in both Europe and Canada, this Orwellian piece of legislation is the direct precursor to freedom killing and speech chilling 'hate speech' laws. It represents a thinly veiled effort to ultimately silence – under penalty of law – morally, medically and biblically based opposition to the homosexual lifestyle," he said.

Under the specifications of the law, a Christian needn't touch a homosexual to face charges, he noted. "If the homosexual merely claims he was subjectively placed in 'apprehension of bodily injury' by the Christian's words then, again, the Christian can be thrown in prison for a felony 'hate crime,'" he said.

WorldNetDaily Bob Unruh reported that the leader of a pro-family organization says families across the nation need to contact their U.S. senators now to try to derail a legislative plan that already has passed the U.S. House and is being awaited by President Obama – after a Democrat confirmed it would protect "all 547 forms of sexual deviancy or 'paraphilias' listed by the American Psychiatric Association."

The proposal, also called the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act after a Wyoming homosexual who was killed in a horrific robbery and beating in 1998, creates a special class for homosexuals and others with alternative sexual lifestyles and provides them protections against so-called "hate."

It specifically denies such protections to other targeted classes of citizens such as pastors, Christians, missionaries, veterans and the elderly.
Wrote Porter, "I've written extensively about how this bill would criminalize Christianity and turn those who disagree with the homosexual agenda into felons, but criminalizing Christianity is just the beginning of what this bill would do. It would also elevate pedophiles as a special protected class – since the term 'sexual orientation' which has been added to the 'hate crimes' legislation includes them in the American Psychiatric Association's definition of various 'sexual orientations."

Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, explained what all this means to WND columnist Janet Porter. He said, “There are only 242 crimes where there is actually some – truly – an assault, and we just rejected an amendment to including pedophilia from being a part of this protected class. Do you realize what that means?

If a mother hears that their child has been raped and she slaps the assailant with her purse, she is now gone after as a hate criminal because this is a protected class. There are other protected classes in here. I mean simple exhibitionism. I have female friends who have told me over the years that some guy flashed them, and their immediate reaction was to hit them with their purse. Well now, he's committed a misdemeanor, she has committed a federal hate crime because the exhibitionism is protected under sexual orientation.

Gohmert warned the law will be used against pastors – or anyone else – who speaks against homosexuality or other alternative sexual lifestyle choices. He said it provides that anyone who through speech "induces" commission of a violent hate crime "will be tried as a principal" alongside the active offender.
Critics say that would allow for prosecutions against pastors who preach a biblical ban on homosexuality if someone who hears such a message later is accused of any crime.

Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition, said, "A pastor's sermon could be considered 'hate speech' under this legislation if heard by an individual who then acts aggressively against persons based on 'sexual orientation.' The pastor could be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit a hate crime’ “ she said.

Steve King-R, Porter wrote, also told the full U.S. House that the APA has a list of 547 different "pedophilias" that would be protected by members of Congress under the "hate crimes" bill.

Cyndi’s View:

Would Anti-Hate Laws Make YOU a Criminal? If you preach from Scripture they will call you a criminal. They just made the most sacred book ever written a hate book. Because God’s Word is now called a hate book.

Under Canada, Brazil, England, Sweden and Europe’s anti-hate law, it is illegal to criticize homosexual behavior over the airwaves, in print, or in public. The consequences: large fines and imprisonment. Now that is true for America.

But most don’t understand that, beyond the feel good title, they have just opened a Pandora box. You will see that before the ink dries on the paper good there will be many arrested and jailed. LOOK OUT CHRISTIANS IN AMERICA!
This Law will muzzel Pastors and make it impossible to preach against sin. In other words, if you preach from scriptures, it’s a hate crime. Hate crime laws will cause Christians to be guilty of breaking, not civil laws, but a Federal Law.

Our Christian way of life is in danger. This is only the beginning of lost freedoms. Christians should be concerned over this new authority given to government. The government can prosecute anything perceived to motivate, by prejudice, violent crime against any 547 forms of sexual deviancy or pedophilias.

And what about electronic material? Will it be affected by this piece of legislation? What about the Postal Service? Can material be prohibited that are considered hate propaganda? And, by propaganda, will it mean all things Christian oriented?

The answer to all these questions is YES. The very next thing will be interception of materials, search and seizure violations. Where are our First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights? One protects our freedom of speech, one stops unreasonable searches and seizures and the other is supposed to guarantee our equal protection as a citizen of these United States. But, you see, under this new law those protections no longer exist. You forfeit those once you proclaim you believe the Bible.

Just a thought, but didn’t John the Baptist get hauled off to jail for speaking out about Adultery? We will have no less fate for speaking out against sexual sins.

What will you do if called upon? Will you be a John the Baptist or a Judas for Christian standards?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Freedom Of Speech Is In Danger In America

Fox News
Phil Kerpen, Americans For Prosperity, Director of Policy and Chairman of Internet Freedom Coalition said, “The FCC is going to decide if we will have freedom to do as we please on the Internet or if the government will have a much heavier hand.”

Kerpen goes on to say,” Government wants to take over our communications systems such as Internet, TV, and radio. They are calling it “Network Neutrality and Regulation of The Internet.” If they get Structural Reform it will lock in their power permanent.”

Glenn Beck reported that free Press founder, Robert W. McChesney, is a devout socialist, the Marxist professor at the University of Illinois, a believer in taxation for radio up to 100% and Net Neutrality in order to pave the way for a revolution.

McChesney told a Canadian Socialist website, “ Instead of waiting for the revolution to happen, we learned that unless you make significant changes in the media, it will be vastly more difficult to have a revolution.”

Mark Lioyd says,” What we’re really saying is that the Fairness Doctrine is not enough... We are in a position where you have to say who is going to step down so someone else can have power.”

Fox News
President Obama said,” I will take a back seat to no one in My commitment to Network Neutrality.”

Phil Kerpen said,” Well, Free Press is the lead group on this. They have signed up a few of the conservative groups by telling them the scare story. That if we don’t get government to step in and regulate, the big bad phone and cable companies will block Christian sites because they don’t like what you say. The Christian Coalition was one of those who signed into this ploy.”

Glen Beck also reported that White House Communications Director
Anita Dunn said, “A huge part of our press strategy was focused on MAKING THE MEDIA cover what Obama was actually saying AS OPPOSED TO WHY the campaign was saying it, what the tactic was. We had a huge premium both on message discipline, on people in the campaign not leaking to reporters, on people in the campaign not discussing our strategy and also on making the press cover what we were saying.

One of the reasons we did so many of the David Plouffe videos was not just for our supporters but, also because it was a way for us to get our message out without having to actually talk to reporters, we just put that out there and make them write what Plouffe had said as opposed to Plouffe doing an interview with a reporter. So it was very much WE CONTROLED IT AS OPPOSED TO THE PRESS CONTROLLED IT and it did not always make us popular with the press but we increasingly by the general election VERY RARELY DID WE COMMUNICATE THROUGH THE PRESS ANYTHING THAT WE DIDN’T ABSOLUTELY CONTROL.”

Progressive Bill Marr on “The Tonight Show “/NBC said, “Their talking about 60 votes... Forget this stuff. You can’t get Americans to agree on anything. Sixty percent don’t believe in evolution in this country. He just needs to drag them to it. Like I just said they’re stupid.”

In my opinion:
He is speaking of the American people and Obama. Progressives believe that people in America are not able to make decisions for themselves. That wouldn’t benefit all peoples as a whole. So as Marr put it so gently, they have to drag you, the American people, to what you should be thinking. They believe Americans are void of understanding and may get in the way of reform.

There is a Cyber Security Act of 2009, which is also called Senate Bill S. 773, that would allow Obama to declare a Cyber Security emergency. This Bill, if enacted, would allow the Internet to be shut down to people like you and I.

The FCC is going to decide if we will have freedom to use Internet or if government will have a much heavier hand under another thing called ‘Net Neutrality.’

My thought is will a mock emergency come into play? What happens to First Amendment rights? Will this stop media coverage of events that impact the American people? These are questions that need to be answered.

Some are suggesting that this is nothing more than Marshall Law of the airwaves. The public would only be allowed to hear the government’s programming and propaganda.

America stand up and speak without fear as our Forefathers did long ago. We are Americans and have always been free from government control. We as Americans believe it is our God given right to be free from those who would try to steal those rights and put us bondage. We are no man’s slaves. America is still THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE.

Of course, they are at this moment controlling media from The White House. This means we don’t get but what they want us to hear. Scary isn’t it? To think we no longer have the right, in the present Administration, to hear the truth. You see, they think that they know better what is good for the people then the people do for themselves. In other words, our Great Late Land of The Free is now only allowed, for the most part, to receive propaganda from our Government.

There is a light though; Fox News is a hated Network because Government does not control it. Not yet anyway. Even the President says negative things about the Network to try to discredit it. But, Fox News moves on to a different beat for the time being. I say that because I look for all free media to be silenced soon.

They, the present Administration, don’t want anyone asking relevant questions. They want only that you follow their lead like dumb animals that cannot make their own decisions. Forgive me if that sounds harsh. But, it is in fact the truth, as we know it.