10-09 Farm Wars Barbara Peterson reported that Pennsylvania drafted a mandatory vaccination law. The law states that the public health authority may, for such period as the state of public health emergency exists, compel a person to be vaccinated or treated, or both, for an infectious disease subject to the following provisions: (1) Vaccination may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the public health authority. (2) A vaccine may not be given if the public health authority has reason to know that a particular individual is likely to suffer serious harm from the vaccination. Since the CDC has already declared that individuals are unlikely to suffer serious harm from vaccination, they have a free pass. Wasn't that easy?
Barbara went on to say that States are getting ready for the mandatory vaccination stage of the eugenics program, and Pennsylvania is right on schedule with Pennsylvania House Bill 492, the “Emergency Health Powers Act.”
Worrier Society Radio reported America should take note of the recent Verichip developments creating the perfect storm to link financial, dentification, and health information together with a single implantable rfid device.
A Reuters Tue Apr 28, 2009 article detailed VeriChip Corporation`s Healthcare Division Expanding Existing Development Partnership to include new biological and environmental sensor applications- Article Here
America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 has Buried in the legislation is a provision for a class 2 implantable device for participants. The design of the legislation is to make it very difficult for anyone to oppose the plan once passed.
House Resolution 3200 was crafted with the intention of using a Class II RFID microchip to link personal and medical information of participants and will relay that information to the government.
This is why Mr. Obama is pressured to promote the legislation regardless of opposition from the American People. -All under the guise of efficiency and the public good - House Resolution 3200.
Conservatives For Patients’ Rights reported:
Any serious discussion of health care reform that does not include choice, competition, accountability and responsibility — the four "pillars" of patients' rights — will result in our government truly becoming a "nanny-state," making decisions based on what is best for society and government rather than individuals deciding what is best for each of us.
A patient must have the right to choose their own doctor, and must protect a consumer's right to choose the health insurance that best fits their needs and budget.
This health care overhaul is an inexcusable assault on the Constitution and everything America stands for. Here are some of its many shocking and appalling provisions (as copiously tracked by Peter Fleckstein)
PG 22: Mandates that the federal government will audit books of all employers who self insure
PG 30, Sec 123: Establishes a government committee that decides what treatments/benefits you get.
PG 29, Lines 4-16: Directly rations health care for the elderly.
PG 42: The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you.
PG 50, Section 152: Extends benefits and coverage to illegal immigrants.
PG 58: The creation of a national ID health card and a comprehensive federal database containing streaming data on every American's personal financial records.
PG 59: The federal government accesses your bank accounts for mandatory funds transfers.
PG 65, Sec 164: Creates special, federally subsidized coverage for Unions and "Community Organizing" groups.
PG 84 Sec 203 HC bill - Dictates the benefits packages of all private health insurance plans.
PG 85, Line 7: Limits what private insurers can offer (rationed care).
PG 91, Lines 4-7: Mandates that health care providers pay for interpreters for illegal immigrants.
Pg 95, Lines 8-18: The mandatory use of ACORN and Americorps for signing up Americans to government insurance.
PG 85, Line 7: Imposes more limits on coverage (rationing).
PG 102, Lines 12-18: Mandates Medicare for all who fit criteria (removes all choice).
PG 124, Lines 24-25: Bans companies from suing the federal government, bans the entire judicial system from hearing any cases on the legitimacy of this blatantly unconstitutional socialist health care takeover (no judicial review allowed whatsoever).
PG 127, Lines 1-16: Instructs doctors/AMA on what salaries they are allowed to make.
PG 145, Line 15-17: Requires all employers to enroll all new employees in the government system (no choice whatsoever).
PG 126, Lines 22-25: Requires employers to independently provide insurance for part-time workers, whether they can afford it or not (no choice).
PG 149, Lines 16-24: Imposes an 8% payroll tax penalty for any employer (making over $400k) who fails to force his employees onto government insurance.
PG 150, Lines 9-13: Employers making between $251k and $400k pay 2-6% penalty.
PG 167, Lines 18-23: Imposes 2.5% income tax penalty on any privately-insured individual who fails to get "adequate" private insurance.
PG 170, Lines 1-3: Stipulates that all non-resident aliens pay nothing (we foot the bill).
PG 195: Federal officers will have full access to every citizen's most private records.
Pg 239, Line 14-24: Rations Medicaid services for low-income Seniors.
Pg 241, Line 6-8: Mandates that all doctors be paid the same, regardless of specialty.
PG 253, Line 10-18: Imposes federally determined price tag for the worth of every doctor's time and services.
PG 265, Sec 1131: Imposes controls on productivity for private health care companies.
PG 268, Sec 1141: Imposes regulations on rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs.
PG 272, Sec. 1145: Cancer treatment rationing.
PG 280, Sec 1151: Imposes penalties and fines on private hospitals for "preventable" visits.
PG 298, Lines 9-11: Imposes penalties and fines on private hospitals for readmissions after initial treatment (fix it on the first try or suffer the consequences).
PG 317, Lines 13-20: Prohibits doctors from purchasing or investing in medical care facilities.
PG 321, Line 2-13: Pretends to give hospitals the choice to go fully federal, but only if local "community" groups (ACORN) approve.
PG 335, Line 16-25, Pg 336-339: Imposes more rationing of services.
PG 341, Lines 3-9: Creates the federal power to arbitrarily disqualify HMOs, forcing people onto government care at random.
PG 354, Sec 1177 - Rationing of care for special needs people.
PG 379, Sec 1191: Creates new Telehealth bureaucracy (nanny state health care by phone).
PG 425, Lines 4-12: Creates mandatory end of life consultation.
PG 425, Lines 17-19: Mandatory government instruction and consultation on living wills, durable power of attorney, etc.
PG 429, Lines 10-12: Empowers the federal government to order end-of-life plans through something called, "advanced care consultation."
Pg 429, Lines 13-25: Puts the federal government in charge of which doctors can write an end of life order.
PG 430, Lines 11-15: Puts the federal government in complete control of what care you receive at the end of your life.
World Net Daily.com reported:
President Obama’s health care proposals have the very real potential to turn this nightmare into a reality for many Americans, according to an in-depth investigation reported in the August edition of Whistleblower magazine, titled "MEDICAL MURDER: Why Obamacare could result in the early deaths of millions of baby boomers."
For instance, the cover story, "Medical Murder," documents how British seniors, under a government-run system, "are routinely denied treatment for cancer, heart disease and other deadly illnesses," many dying "in filthy, overcrowded hospitals or nursing homes, rife with pestilence, including the deadly, antibiotic-resistant superbugs." Numerous horror stories of needed medical care intentionally denied reveal the stark reality of government-run health care worldwide.
Columnist Charlotte Allen for the Los Angeles Times reported:
In looking for a way to fund healthcare, Obama has set his eye on the oldest and sickest. You see, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, about 30percent of Medicare spending – nearly $100 billion annually – goes to care for patients during their last year of life. What if there was no 'last year of life,' the president seems to be asking. ... Why not save billions of dollars by killing off our own unproductive oldsters and terminal patients, or – since we aren't likely to do that outright in this, the 21st century – why not simply ensure that they die faster by denying them costly medical care? The savings could then subsidize care for the younger and healthier.
And for those who have been paying close attention, Obama himself has ever so gently hinted at his true intentions. At a town hall event in June televised by ABC News, Obama cited the case of his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who died on the eve of his election, suggesting one way to cut medical costs would be to stop expensive procedures on people about to die. Families, Obama said, need better information so they don't approve "additional tests or additional drugs that the evidence shows is not necessarily going to improve care. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller,"
CNSNews.com Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter: Congress Mandating That People Buy Health Insurance Like States Requiring Driver’s Licenses, Mark Warner says.
“Some Republicans have argued that the health care bill is unconstitutional. Does the Constitution give Congress the authority to mandate whether individuals should purchase health insurance – to mandate that they have to purchase health insurance?”
Warner: “The United States Congress passed laws regarding Medicare and Medicaid that became de facto mandatory programs. States all the time require people to have driver’s licenses. I think that this is a bit of a spurious argument that’s being made by some folks.
Cyndi’s View:
Health Care involves human dignity, the right to choose and make life and death decisions. Tyranny is here folks. Is it too late to stop government from forcing the people of this great country into buying insurance they may not need in the first place? There is no freedom of chose in that. After all, some are considering making it the same as requiring a driver’s license.
If you choose not to have insurance there will be penalties for not following this mandate. Such as, fines up to $1900, 2.5 % of your income taken and/or jail for a year.
Employers will be required to pay at least 75% of the cost of their employees health care, which will force them to have to give way to the government run Health Care. Not only is this an added burden to those who need employees to run their businesses, but also employers will be less likely to expand. They may even be forced to lay off their employees and make their businesses smaller in order to stay a float.
In the 900 pages of the health Bill- they want to tell the citizens of the U.S. when and how many babies they can have.
On page 831- they want assigned people to come to your home, before and after you have a baby, to instruct you on what is allowed to be taught your child according to government rules. Excuse me, but do you want government deciding what you can teach your own child?
What if, say your loved one has dementia? Well, in that case, they would either have the option of one year or $30,000. Of care. Then they would be provided with Hospice to help their end of life care. Get the picture?
We hear of ratings and death panels, as people say, “Not in America!” But the fact remains that cost effectiveness is going to be the foremost thing on the czars’ minds as they consider who gets the care and who doesn’t. This is a real consideration as political ideologies are in play and ‘Nationalized Health Care’ draws closer.
This Bill isn’t even supposed to take its place as law for four years after it is signed. So, what is the hurry? They, the Progressive Democrat’s, know if it’s not signed soon that they may loose the ground they have gained. Some of the Democrats may not make it next term. America’s not pleased with what they have been doing as the majority.
My question is that if the Health care Bill is so great then why doesn’t congress want to participate in such a program?
Friday, November 20, 2009
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