Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Will The Lisbon Treaty Mean For Us?
Search for EU president continues after summit
The race to become the EU's first permanent president is still in full force. Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, who has impressed so far in his temporary EU president role, said today (30 October) that he was not a candidate for the new permanent position to be created by the Lisbon Treaty. Having been complimented by many for his latest diplomatic achievements at the EU summit, such as putting in place the Czech Lisbon treaty guarantees, Reinfeldt remained humble.
With former British Prime Minister Tony Blair apparently out of the running (EurActiv 29/10/09), Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker now appears to be the leading candidate for the position.

Another strong contender, Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, was apparently asked by his coalition partner, the Dutch Christian Democrats, not to leave national politics, as his departure would trigger the collapse of the government coalition and lead to early elections.

It is even less obvious at this stage who would be granted the position of High Representative for Foreign Policy, the second top job created by the Lisbon Treaty.

It has been agreed in principle that if a centre-right-affiliated politician becomes Council president, the high representative would be selected from the socialists' ranks. The socialists even set up a 'troika' to negotiate the job, consisting of Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann and Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, the president of the Party of European Socialists.

The Socialist group in the European Parliament also reportedly has a "shortlist" of candidates, namely Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, Romanian MEP Adrian Severin and three former foreign ministers, Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany, Elisabeth Guigou of France and Alfred Gusenbauer of Austria.

But, as French President Nicolas Sarkozy said at the summit, the candidates whose names are mentioned first are never the successful ones.

"Of course we discussed [top jobs] in the corridors," Sarkozy said. He added that the first "difficult" task would be to agree on who the Council president would be, and then start looking for a high representative.

"You can imagine that the political affiliations [and] the geographic origins must be complementary for these posts. We cannot conceive that the three posts would go to persons coming from the same region or the same political family," Sarkozy said.

Note: It took eight years of intricate negotiations for the EU's new reform treaty to see the light of day, since EU leaders first debated its proposed reforms at the 14-15 December Laeken summit in 2001.

Edward Lucas, author of the book 'The New Cold War', says that the new Russian concept of "security architecture" in Europe implies the establishment of a condominium in Europe between Russia and the big European countries, excluding the United States and overriding the interests of small EU countries.

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A video explaining the dangers of a U.N. treaty proposal promoted by President Obama that critics say would lead to a world government has received more than 3.5 million views since WND broke the story on the ominous possibilities, and now there is word from the Obama administration the plan might not be going so smoothly.

In the video, Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, asserts the real purpose of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen Dec. 7-18 is to use concern over "global warming" as a pretext to lay the foundation for a one-world government.

At the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen "this December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed," Lord Christopher Monckton told a Minnesota Free Market Institute audience at Bethel University in St. Paul.

• Washington Times Jeffrey T. Kuhner
Global warming is the greatest fraud of our time. The overwhelming scientific evidence shows that, rather than getting hotter, the Earth's temperatures are cooling. Increasing numbers of leading scientists are challenging the flawed computer models used by eco-alarmists.

Mr. Gore and his supporters cannot answer several simple questions. If the Earth's temperatures are no longer rising, then how can CO2 emissions be responsible for global warming? How could previous dramatic increases in global temperatures - such as the end of the Ice Age - have taken place without concentrations of CO2? The answer is obvious: Carbon emissions are not connected to fluctuations in global temperatures.

The mad drive for an international cap-and-trade system is really geared toward achieving the left's long-sought goal: the destruction of democratic capitalism and national sovereignty. The Greens are poised to succeed where the Reds failed.

It calls for a massive transfer of wealth from the developed world to the developing world. The United States would be forced to spend billions of dollars a year in foreign aid to pay for a so-called "climate debt" - a provision to punish wealthy countries for having historically emitted large amounts of CO2, while compensating poor ones for not contributing to greenhouse gases. John Charlton

Watch Lord Monckton’s Speech on Video
by John Charlton
(Oct. 16, 2009) — One world government, ruled by heartless and godless Marxists might be here sooner than you think. And the objectives of international Communists might explain all the money and power behind putting Obama into power.

But the mechanism for establishing this one world Marxist government has only recently been revealed: The Copenhagen Treaty on Climate Change.
So says Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who, according to Fightin’ Words Blog, gave a scathing critique of the treaty at the recent Minnesota Freemarket Institute Conference:

I don’t minimize the difficulty. But on this subject – I don’t really do politics, because it’s not right. In the end, your politics is for you. The correct procedure is for you to get onto your representatives, both in the US Senate where the bill has yet to go through (you can try and stop that) and in [the House], and get them to demand their right of audience (which they all have) with the president and tell him about this treaty. There are many very powerful people in this room, wealthy people, influential people. Get onto the media, tell them about this treaty. If they go to, they will find (if they look carefully enough) a copy of that treaty, because I arranged for it to be posted there not so long ago. Let them read it, and let the press tell the people that their democracy is about to be taken away for no good purpose, at least [with] no scientific basis [in reference to climate change]. Tell the press to say this. Tell the press to say that, even if there is a problem [with climate change], you don’t want your democracy taken away. It really is as simple as that.

[Update: this section on a question from an attendee to the presentation has been removed from this WUWT article because even though Monckton clearly refuted it, it is turning into a debate over presidential eligibility that I don't want at WUWT. If you want to see it and discuss it. Do it at the original blog entry Fightin' Words - Anthony]

Regardless of whether global warming is taking place or caused to any degree by human activity, we do not want a global government empowered to tax Americans without elected representation or anything analogous to constitutional protections. The Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they knew their progeny allowed a foreign power such authority, effectively undoing their every effort in an act of Anti-American Revolution. If that is our imminent course, we need to put all else on hold and focus on stopping it. If American sovereignty is ceded, all other debate is irrelevant.

Christian Broadcasting Network’s Dale Hurd:
COPENHAGEN, Denmark and WASHINGTON - The Obama administration says climate change is a serious health issue and the EPA has even labeled carbon dioxide as pollution. Now, many fear global warming is the greatest threat to mankind, but what if the Earth was no longer warming, and began to cool?

Fear of global warming led the House of Representatives to pass "cap and trade" legislation, which is essentially an energy rationing bill and a tax increase on energy that some groups say will take trillions of dollars out of the pockets of families. It still has to pass the Senate.

From Hot to Cold?
But what if the Earth was no longer warming, but cooling? One image shows how the sun has looked for most of 2008 and 2009-- devoid of any sunspots. NASA says sunspot activity is now at a 100 year low.

“ The sun is very cold right now because of the lack of sunspots. And that is one of the reasons we haven't seen warming for the past 12 years or so," said former Virginia state climatologic Patrick Michaels. We had a warming that began about 1977 and ended 1997 and it hasn’t been seen since.” reported:
An Environmental Protection Agency analysis shows that under the House bill– new forests would spread across the American landscape, replacing both pasture and farm fields. Cap and Trade gives financial incentives to farmers and ranchers to plant trees versus food crops.

The bill would allow landowners who “reduce carbon dioxide” by NOT planting food, to sell carbon permits to “polluters” like power plants. Those suckers are going to become quite valuable if Cap and Tax passes. Bonus: credit-owners can sell credits in a new market provided exclusively by Goldman Sachs.

The plan would be hard on ranchers and farmers, and food prices will surely soar. Cap and Tax will touch every corner of our economy as-is, and will make virtually everything more expensive…including food. A reduction in food production would only exacerbate the misery.

PBS Interviewed Kissinger on ‘New World Order’
’There is a need for a new world order,” Kissinger told PBS interviewer, Charlie Rose last year. “I think that at the end of this administration, (talking about Bush) with all it’s turmoil, and at the beginning of the next, we might actually witness the creation of a New order.

Because people looking in the abyss, even in Islamic world, have to conclude that at some point, order expectations must return under a different system.”

Taxing Us for Breathing
By Robert Tracinski
Last week, the New York Times published an extraordinary editorial complaining "Right now, everyone is using the atmosphere like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free." The Times editors suggested that the government "start charging for the privilege" by imposing a "carbon tax."
EPA Declares Human Breath (CO2) a Pollutant
The EPA on April 17 proposed new regulations to control carbon dioxide (CO2) and five other “greenhouse gases” as “pollutants” under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act. While not mentioning what aspects of carbon-dioxide emissions will be regulated, the carbon dioxide emitted from automobiles and power plants is definitely on the regulation block. The first step toward costly and far-reaching regulations is that the EPA establish carbon dioxide as a regulatory “pollutant,” even though all plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and all animals exhale carbon dioxide.

In fact, about 8 percent of man-made worldwide carbon dioxide emissions are due to simple human breathing. The EPA says they do not want to regulate this activity … for now. But there's no chemical difference between CO2 emitted from a gasoline engine and that emitted from a human lung.

Translated from bureaucratese, it means that carbon dioxide, methane and other alleged “pollutants” aren’t dangerous and are in fact natural elements. But the fact that human activities such as breathing and car exhaust add to the global amount of carbon dioxide means that CO2 emissions should be regulated, according to the EPA.

Cyndi’s View:

For one thing, once signed, the treaty's enforcement will limit America's sovereignty, regardless of what our Constitution says. They want us to believe that the Lisbon Treaty is merely a International Climate treaty.Will the world unite in Copenhagen? Many fear that the impact on liberties will be a cost they are not willing to pay.

According to EU practice, new treaties enter into force on the first day of the month after they are deposited in Rome. So, you can look for a change in the way we do things, farely quick, once our sovereignty has been signed away.

Our present administration has an agenda to push forward taxation on America the likes of which hasn’t been since before the Boston tea parties of old. Thus, “Cap and Trade” appears. All in the name of ‘Climate Change’ and the reduction of carbon dioxide.

And what of food productions? Yes, even that will not be untouched in the whole scheme of things. This will leave America with food shortages the likes that has never been seen in our history. And whom will they blame for this? Who will be the escape goat?

Essentially, ‘Cap and Trade’ is an energy-rationing bill that will put an unnecessary tax burden on the American people. Climate change is a weapon being used against America. It is a bogus decree to the point of even declaring human breath to be against the environment. God made the CO2 gases to be taken care of by plant life. And in return, plant life gives back to us good clean air.

According to Fox News, the gross domestic product losses increase by two trillion dollars through this plan. It will destroy 1,105,000 jobs on average. This will lead to higher unemployment. It will cause electricity rates to go up 90%. Yearly energy bills will increase by $1,500 and gasoline prices will go up 74%. And Americans will have virturally no say in the process.

This ‘Climate Change Treaty’ WILL lead to’Global Government’. It says as much in NX1 paragraph 38 of the treaty document. India and China says they will not join and that they will not pay for what is in the treaty. They emit the most CO2 gases in the world. The NX1 countries, which are the rich, like America, will have to give a 2% tax.

We are watching the “Peace Treaty” that will be signed with the two brothers in the Middle East. That will be the ultimate goal for the up coming New World Leader. The one who makes peace will be a shoe in. So keep your eye on the peace talks and news that will soon bring these signatures to paper.

It all comes down to one thing, if this treaty is signed, our constitution will become no more than paper and ink. And our freedom will only be a fond memory. Our fight for liberty cost many lives and much blood shed. And for what? So people who do not love our country can give it all away?

Petition against climate change treaty here...

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